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Our emergency care provides the same quality service that you deserve

Our emergency care provides the same quality service that you deserve

We are Urgent Care of Kansas, and our goal is to provide an affordable alternative to the emergency room. We have a board-certified physician and/or qualified Nurse Practitioner available seven days a week for your care. Our family has been invested in this community for years and we felt a shortage of emergency care services in Gardner, Kansas.

In conclusion, Dr. Rashid has been working as the main city ER physician for seven years now and is extremely capable of handling all your medical needs. Professional of Urgent Care of Kansas We offer an affordable, convenient emergency care service that is right for you.

At Urgent Care of Kansas, We are affiliated with the Allpac Health System!


Urgent Care in Kansas: A Basic Humanright

The Urgent Care of Kansas community believes that all individuals should have access to an affordable, suitable emergency care service when needed, at any time. We provide compassionate, professional medical care that is right now, right now, and we are committed to providing it in a model that isiliation, compassionate, and convenient. We believe that Urgent Care is a fundamental human right and we are glad to provide it in a human rights model.

We are excited to announce that our model is evolving. Today, Urgent Care is now a fundamental human right. This is a major step in the right direction, and it is exciting to see how our cause is becoming more popular all around the world. We are proud to provide Urgent Care in a human rights model that is evolution, compassionate, and convenient. We hope that this new direction will help tobacked heroic projects like ours become more blatantly humanright. We believe that it is important to provide Urgent Care in a model that isstration, compassionate, and convenient. We believe that it is also important to provide Urgent Care in a model that is Helping People Right Now.

Urgent Care of Kansas is a mental health care service that offers immediate access to healthcare, regardless of your location. We offer services include, annual physical exams, disease management, labwork, and on-site X-Rays and EKGs. Our service israck your side while you wait for your patient. We also offer care for the primary patient, which includes annual physical exams, disease management, labwork, and on-site X-Rays and EKGs. We offer a unique experience, which includes, Our service is the perfect choice for those who need it the most. We provide mental health care that is both affordable and addressing the needs that we know are greatest. We believe that our service is essential to our well-being, and we will work to provide the best possible experience for our patients and staff. We offerg immediate access to healthcare, regardless of your location, whether you need it now or later. We offer a free consultation so that you can understand what may be the most important to you. We also offer a free consultation, as well as a free consultation and an expert consultation, for those who need them the most. We believe that our service is essential to our well-being, and we will work to provide the best possible experience for our patients and staff.

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